Winter Skin Care Tips
With winter approaching, our skin inevitably gets drier, feels tight and can be just plain uncomfortable. So what are some winter skincare tips to use to keep your skin fresh and moisturized this chilly season? We’re glad you asked!
1. Switch Your Cleanser for a More Hydrating One
With colder temperatures in the air, your skin can take a hit with chillier wind and drier air. Because of this, it’s important to switch out your regular cleanser for a more hydrating one. Yes, even if you have oilier skin. This is especially important if your regular cleanser has more drying ingredients like salicylic acid, sodium lauryl sulfate and fragrance, or if you use any topical creams like retinol, tretinoin or spot treatments containing benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients are already fairly drying and with the addition of colder weather, it will only increase that dryness. Try a more hydrating cleanser with ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, ceramide and humectants—substances that attract water from the air or from deeper into the skin.
2. Take Lukewarm Water Baths and Showers
We totally understand the urge to get home from a cold day and jump into a scalding hot shower to warm up. However, hot water can actually strip the necessary oils from your skin that it needs to keep itself hydrated and healthy. Opt for more lukewarm showers and baths instead. This will keep you warm without sacrificing your natural oils and causing your skin to dry up and become itchy. Hotter water can also irritate or burn your skin which can, in turn, dry it out. If you absolutely need a scalding hot shower, you can alternate between hot and lukewarm water that way your skin can still obtain some of its natural oils.
3. Wear SPF/Sunscreen
Yes, even in the winter! The sun is still shining in the wintertime and UV rays are just as powerful. If you happen to spend more time outdoors in the wintertime, it’s important to continue to wear your SPF to avoid sun exposure and possibly prevent sunburn as well. Sunburns essentially remove all the water from the skin and leave it dehydrated and tight. Getting a sunburn in the wintertime just enhances the dryness your skin may already be feeling. Sunburns can also lead to severe skin damage and common skin cancers like melanoma. Essentially, if the sun is out, then your sunscreen should be too!
With colder temperatures coming up, it’s important to be proactive and start using more hydrating ingredients, maintain your body’s natural oils and continue to wear adequate amounts of sunscreen to prevent dry, damaged skin this season. For more info about the skincare and facial services we offer, visit our services page, or to book an appointment with one of our estheticians, click here!